The Council Wants to Hear from You on Fernald!

Hello All,

The Fernald Use Committee of the City Council is having two special meetings for public input. The first is to be held Wednesday June 8th at 6:30PM, at the City Council Chambers in City Hall (610 Main Street). The second meeting is scheduled for June 22nd.

We hope you are able to attend either or both of these public meetings, not only to voice your hopes and concerns concerning the Fernald site, but also to hear comments from other residents and organizations! On June 8th before the first public meeting, the Fernald Working Group will be meeting at City Hall at 6pm to discuss what our public comments will include. Anyone is welcome to join us for this quick debriefing as well.

Hope to see you soon!

Take our survey!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our open house!

One purpose of the open house was to encourage an open community process when it comes to planning for the Fernald site. For this reason we had a survey at the event to give neighbors the opportunity to give their opinions on the future of Fernald.

If you were not able to attend the Open House last week, or did attend but did not take our survey, we would still love your input! Please see the link below to fill out of brief survey:

Thank you again to all who made the Fernald Working Group Spring 2016 Open House a success! And stay tuned for more events in the Fall!

Tonight’s the Night!

The Fernald Working Group hopes you can join us for our Spring Open House!

Stop by anytime between 6 and 8pm to learn more about what is going on at the Fernald!

Located at the VFW Post 10334, 623 Trapelo Rd, Waltham, MA. Parking is available in the back.


Fernald Working Group Spring Open House- May 4th!


Join the Fernald Working Group Wednesday May 4, 2016 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm to learn more about what is going on at the Fernald site!

There will be opportunities to learn about different aspects of the site, ask questions, and share your ideas!

The event will be held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10334, Waltham (623 Trapelo Rd ). There is parking available behind the building.

Just stop by anytime between 6pm and 8pm to learn about this historic site! Children are welcome!

For more information please contact

Desiree Pelletier at 617-923-3505 x 8 or at

Fernald Open House Flyer 2016_Final

Reflecting on 2015

The holiday season is a time to reflect and document the accomplishments of the last year. And, boy, do we have a lot to celebrate!

In the last 6 months, we’ve continued to convey our message of information transparency and community planning.

Since the Visioning Charrette at the end of May, the Fernald Working Group has grown and molded our message, and this has resulted in an increase in media attention. We took this fall’s election as an opportunity to push our elected officials to express their thoughts on Fernald. In doing so, we established a relationship with the new editorial team at the Tribune, and reaffirmed our leadership and expertise on all the various facets of Fernald. The Letter to the Editor published in June, and subsequent interviews that the Tribune conducted were an example of the success of this effort.

In the coming year we plan to continue to inform and engage the citizens of Waltham and the surrounding region on the Fernald, engaging with town government and elected officials to:

  • Continue to press for a Comprehensive Strategic Plan for the site
  • Continue to invite the community to learn about the get involved in the Fernald
  • Meet with the Mayor and members of the City Council to discuss mutually agreeable goals,
  • Begin using the Fernald as a public resource

Thank you for continuing to stay engaged. Stay tuned for this winter’s events!

Charrette Recap


On Saturday May 30, the Fernald Working Group held a community planning charrette as part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that community and local needs are voiced in the development process for Fernald. Over 30 people stopped by, including Mayor McCarthy, State Representative Tom Stanley, and Councilors McLaughlin, Darcy, McMenimen, LeBlanc, and Vizard. Continue reading “Charrette Recap”